domingo, 3 de junho de 2012
segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012
Então... Entre testes e trabalhos (meu Deus, se existires, ajuda-me com o estudo de caso que nem comecei ainda O_O), tenho a visita de Estudo de História na Quarta-feira e Quinta é feriado \o/
No dia 24 vai Haver uma palestra lá na escola sobre... Algo \o/ Lol Nem me lembro XD
No dia 27 vamos estar todos atarefados no clube de Animes com as actividades lá no dia de Convivio da Santa terrinha \o\
Dia 1 é a festa de encerramento da escola (ou seja, o dia INTEIRO dedicado ao clube, na nossa barraquinha do costume no Bloco C *-*) e o Aniversário do meu querido Namorado \o\
Porcaria da escola acaba dia 8 (GRAÇAS A DEUS, ALLAH, BUDHA, KRISHNA, KAMI-SAMA, whatever)
Porcaria dos Exames é dia 20 e 25 \o\ Exato, a porcaria do exame de Geografia é no meu dia de Anos \o/ Sou phoda \o\
Apercebi-me que não falei nada sobre mim no blog XD Apesar de ninguem ler... Ah que se lixe um dia destes eu escrevo XD
Ah e vo tentar resgatar o meu blog antigo... coitadinho... perdi a palavra-passe Y.Y
domingo, 13 de maio de 2012
These feelings...
It's so much easier now... To actually show my feelings for someone. It used to be so complicated for me to speak with my heart.
I'm still not able to just say "I love you" to THAT particular person as many times as I am willing to... Have no clue why that happends.
People tend to call me a cold, distant and reserved person, but I wasn't always like this. At least I believe there must have been a time where I was very kind and warm to everyone.
Still, there is a person who, little by little, warms my heart and makes me be hopeful that one day I can say "I love you" Again everytime I want to. There is a Person who loves an cherishes me, who trusts me with all his heart and who I developed feelings for.
That person is my beloved Boyfriend.
Probably I wouldn't have the guts to speak my mind if i was writting in portuguese... But english makes it so much easier, as it is the language we both understand very well and comunicate with (My boyfriend and I).
Just wanted to tell you how deep my feelings for You are, as I don't always make it much clear for you to understand... Just wanted to say how deeply sad I get when I can't be with you and how much light you brought to my life. Just wanted to say all the good things your love brought to my life.
Words can never tell how much I love being with you. Your smile always makes me grin, Your embrace comforts me, Your jokes always make me Laugh (no matter how bad they are XD)
So many words for me to say something you should Know by now... You're one of the most special people in my life and I never want to be parted from you ^^
LY Miguel XD
sábado, 12 de maio de 2012
MLP Outros
Existem também os Wonderbolts:
Soarin e o Spitfire (o Loiro outro nao sei o nome XD)
A guarda real de Canterlot:
Chefiada por Shining Armor
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